(4/11/10) After a hard week of work my Dad & I were keen to get some time on the boat and away from the house for a while. It was a lovely day with a gentle but steady SW breeze. The plan was to go for a sail, anchor off the house and go ashore to pick up Brigite for an evening BBQ.
As we went out we had to overcome a couple of wine spilling issues, and the wind shifted from SW to E and came up to a very nice 8 knots. We sailed out towards Thimble Shoal with the big genoa and with nice speed hovering around 5.7 knots.

We tacked and headed back to the house. Came close to anchor - just inside the crab pot bouys about a boatlength from the sand bank. We dropped the main instead of the genoa as we approached - and ancored without problem. Lit the BBQ and pumped up the dink.
Went ashore to pick up Brigite and row her out. We ate nice steaks, garlic bread, brats and caesar salad.

We sailed back home with a new SW breeze getting back after sunset.
It was a perfect evening!
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