South breeze was blowing hard and very gusty, probably close to 18 in the strong warm blasts. We decided not to go with a spinnaker as the wind was too much for our old sail and we didn't want to blow it up. We practiced with the #3 and a reef. We were all quite excited and anxious about the upcoming race!
Course was S, run down to K, close hauled to J, broad reach to K, and a beat up to the finish. No room for a spinnaker in that course anyhow, so that was an easy decision.
We started with the full main and #3, planning on putting in a reef at the leeward mark.
Perfectly timed start at the favored pin end, best of the 10 or so boat fleet. Southern Style also had a good start and was faster than us. They whisker poled their roller genoa to scoot past us. The big CYMRU also passed us. On the fetch we stayed high to keep our air clear, but SS was faster than us on all points of sail. Trouble fouled us on Port tack on the beat, but we let it slide.
We had a poor sail plan with the tiny jib and full main, and that probably hurt us. #2 and reefs would have been much more effective. The race lasted all of 38 minutes!
It was a good showing, a little tough being one of the slowest boats, and our provisional handicap was not much help (180) as we cannot sail to that number. But it was tons of fun, and the competitive juices were definitely flowing!
I think we were 6th overall, even with the lousy handicap, and 1st in Spinnaker Fleet, due to the fact we were the only ones in that class!!!
Sailed over to the house before heading for the barn on the very warm evening.
Couple of drinks and lousy food at Laffin Gull and so ended the satisfying and fun first race day!
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