Gorgeous day for a sail here in Ocean View on the 1st day of spring - over 75 degrees, and a light SW breeze shifted to a sea breeze (NE) and sustained late in the afternoon; thankfully as we were very busy and didn't get to leave home until after 3pm.

Yesterday evening I got the boat ready for sailing, pulled down halyards, put on main, etc. So today we were able to make a quick getaway.
Wind was coming straight down the landing boat channel and we got the sails up quickly and reached out the cut.
Lovely breeze outside; probably around 7kn, and we were nicely powered up with the #1 and full main. Sailed along on a close reach, past channel markers and out around the noisy yellow middle bay marker. Speed was around 5.7 going out.
Wind started

a slight increase as we got closer to the middle bay marker, and after we tacked we were definitely fully powered up.
The 10 kn breeze went right as we got close to the shore, and the current seemed to be under us coming down the bay, as we were well over 6kn most all the way back.

It felt great to be out sailing and out "to sea". The seas were nice and flat and Silver Fox was in her element. She does not like waves much as she is small and bob's around in waves, which is not fast and she does not track well in those conditions. I guess we were out for a couple of hours, but as usual it didn't feel like enough!
The breeze was coming down the cut and we doused the genoa and motorsailed to the area of the marinas. The starter took a lot of attempts before it started, with the clunk on all failed attempts. But, other than that electrical issue - the engine is being 100% reliable.

Hope the sailing season is now open!!
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