Another sunny day, and light breeze made today another sailable day. Brigite was aprehensive after yesterday's cold, but I was able to convince her that today would feel much warmer, and it did.

On the way out we saw a blimp and 3 small "warships" rafted up on an anchor, and on the way back we saw that the ships were Canadian navy vessels!!
The boat was not winterized yesterday, so the main was still on and it was a quick departure routine. We were on the water around 1430, with a light NNW breeze powering us along with our No 1 and full main.

After about an hour out the wind abruptly turned right about 45 degrees, and lightened up even more. We were enjoying the relaxing sailing and ended up over by the Bridge Tunnel. We tacked and headed back but were only doing 2 or 3 knots.

Then a new breeze came in from the NE and went to E around 6 knots, and that brought us home nicely, just before sunset.

On Sunday I topped off the fuel tank -she took about 2.5 gallons, plus I put the boat back into winter mode, as we are going to MEXORC at the end of the week, and won't be back until early March.
Ralph Out.
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