Our friends Karen & Mike joined us for an afternoon and evening sail and BBQ on Silver Fox to celebrate our nations birthday.

Had a decent breeze from the ENE and we sailed close hauled to first island, then back towards Little Creek. It was mostly sea breeze, then around 6pm (I think) the wind suddenly died and filled from the SE which was the gradient. That was quite cool, but it happened right as Karen gave Mike the tiller, so he thinks he is cursed by the sailing gods!!
We went to the beach at Ocean View and anchored there to BBQ and watch the fireworks up and down the coast. It was a lovely warm evening, and we had a delicious time!

Around 10pm we sailed back to LC and it was a busy place with all kinds of boats making their way back to the channel and their docks in Little Creek. It was neat to see the whole place lit up with red, green and white nav lights! Karen claims it was the "best 4th of July ever", and none of us disagreed!
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