We have been fortunate to be able to not miss any races yet this season - I guess you could say we are getting good value for our entry fee!!
Steady ESE to SSE, strong Flood. Raced Mike 1st time. Too much action with Baserunner and at corners (douse gybe, gybe set). We were 3rd in class, beating Schock who hit the leeward mark and lost a lot of time there. A stressful race with storms brewing at the end.
Very light & shifty Easterly. Long phases between shifts. We were not always in phase. We had a pretty good race, but I think when we were behind I pressed too hard and sailed too tight in the beats for the light airs.

Good breeze from NE 15kn, went left and quickly & gradually decreased to 6kn. This was a tough race for Brigite, as she had a real hard time trimming the genoa, as it was so physically hard, and that put us off kilter, and left a lot of time on the racecourse.

Nice breeze that faded and went hard right as the evening progressed. We had a good race except for being foulded by Trouble, who were oblivious to the fact that they were in the wrong. I managed to keep it together and move on, but my game plan was destroyed, as we couldn't get to the right as early as I had wanted.