Very hot weather here in Hampton Roads this weekend - in the 90's, and setting records in the process. After a busy morning and early afternoon we took the boat out for a sail and a BBQ for dinner.

The hot SW'erly that has been blowing for quite a few days now was still strong on Sat, around 17, dying to 11 by Thimble Shoal, then gusting up to 20 close to the shore at Ocean View.

We got to the boat around 3:30 or so, and were back in the car around 10:30 at night. We sailed out and around Thimble shoal, and passed a Cruise Ship and the George H Bush Aircraft Carrier (USA - 77), the newest Carrier in the world!!

We BBQ'ed off East Beach, and tried unsuccessfully to fish. Not a nibble on our squid baited hooks. It was very relaxing, and lots of fun!

The engine acted up a bit, I forgot to turn on the fuel so it drained itself, then when I got her primed and restarted, it would not change RPM's without cutting out. With the strong wind, I just let her run just over idle as she was happy with that, and at the dock I restarted her, and she fired up with all cylinders, a fully adjustable throttle, and all was well.
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