On Thursday Aug 20th 2009 Bridge & I brought the boat to Ocean Marine in Portsmouth to have them research the bottom vibration issue, and repaint the bottom with Trinidad Pro anti-fouling.
Unfortunatly, we ran her into the mud at the entrance to Willoughby harbor. We were in the middle of the marked channel, but the 2 green marks are not well positioned. Another sailboat on the way out told us we needed to stick very close to red to be clear - and that is what we have done ever since... Despite that, we had a nice sail over with a good breeze.
As we approached their marina, we went to start the engine, but no dice. We sailed into a dock spot and plugged in the shore power as the batteries were low, and thought to be the problem. Eventually we got her started and left her for the yard to pick up the following morning.
We worked on the boat over the weekend, polishing the top-sides, working on the nav lights, oiling the hanks, etc, etc. I also filled the crack around the keel, where the lead meets the fiberglass with some Marine Tex, after we had a surveyer look at the boat and tell us the crack was only cosmetic (phew!).
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